Lilah Quinn | Newborn Baby Girl

November 10, 2017

I've known Lilah's mum Leanne since I was very young, I think we worked out I was around 13/14. WOW how things have changed and we are now both mums :)

I first met Lilah's dad Craig at their Wedding 3 years ago, where I was assisting the amazing Zilia from I have included some of my favourite wedding photos below.

Back to Lilah Quinn, what an absolute STAR, she slept for the entire session and allowed to me capture so many different setups with no breaks. Her little newborn features and head full of hair had me melting from the start. Thanks so much for letting me capture another momentous time in your lives, congratulations again! :)


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Comments (1)

Michelle D’Agnone

on November 23, 2017 5:22 PM
What beautiful photos that have created memories to never forget!
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