Mother & Son Session

May 9, 2019

This is Valerie together with her son Joshua and Pomeranian dogs Kuro & Tessa. Valerie first contacted me in December last year to organise these very special photos with her son, who was going to be visiting from the other side of the world in May. As a mum of 2 boys, I know this bond is very special. I absolutely love that while Valerie doesn't love having her photo taken she put it all aside to capture some memories that will last a lifetime. I am a firm believer that even if you don't like being in photographs its important to push through your comfort barrier for the ones you love. Valerie had been trying to find a kookaburra to show Joshua and managed to find some in the tree. They are such a pretty looking bird and I appreciated this excitement around finding them because it reminded me not to take these small things for granted. This session was very relaxed and took just over an hour, check out those cute dog smiles from the session also :):) Thanks again Valerie from asking me to capture these photos for you. :) 


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